Probiotic Application in a Shrimp Hatchery - Page 4

by Laurence Evans - Mtunzini Prawns of South Africa


Probiotic Application

Research is needed on the best probiotic application procedure in shrimp hatcheries, especially as two fundamentally different probiotics are being applied. The nitrifying bacteria (Clear-Flo 1100 50x) is designed to reduce ammonia and nitrite, while the Clear-Flo 1006 is altering the conditions that foster pathogenic Vibrio spp.
The CF 1006 requires a weekly 0.08 kilograms per 1200 cubic metres in outdoor ponds. In a hatchery, a daily application is essential, as the larval stages develop so quickly. This figure translates into 0.6g per 10 tonne tank per week! Larval stages will feed on bacterial flocs big enough to ingest, so I apply between 1 and 4 g per 10 tonne tank on a daily basis. Additional research is needed here.
The CF 1100 50x  requires 50 ml per 1200 tonnes (m3) per week. This about 0.42 millilitres per 10m3 tank per week! I apply this amount on a daily basis. Additional research is needed here.
On the next page is a typical feed schedule and probiotic application for Fenneropenaeus indicus in a 10 cubic metre larval rearing tank. Currently, I am trying to establish the best time, combination and amount to apply and so do not currently have a standard application or procedure. My current method of probiotic application is to respond to the same visual indicators (color, activity, swimming behaviour, mortalities, feeding behaviour, etc.), that would have led me to use antibiotics, by applying the probiotics instead. I have added both CF1006 and CF1100-50x to nauplii with good results. As a hatchery manager, you need to test various combinations to see what works well.

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