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Chart of Toxicity of Hydrogen sulfide Gas

Chart corrected 1/12/2002, due to e-mail from a victim of H2S poisoning

 0.03 ppm
Can smell. Safe for 8 hours exposure

 4 ppm
May cause eye irritation. Mask must be used as it damages metabolism.

 10 ppm
Maximum exposure 10 minutes. Kills smell in 3 to 15 minutes. Causes GAS EYE and throat injury. Reacts violently with dental mercury amalgam fillings.

 20 ppm
Exposure for more than 1 minute causes severe injury to eye nerves.

 30 ppm
Loss of smell, injury to blood brain barrier through olfactory nerves

 100 ppm
Respiratory paralysis in 30 to 45 minutes. Needs prompt artificial resuscitation. Will become unconscious quickly (15 minutes maximum)

 200 ppm
Serious eye injury and permanent damage to eye nerves. Stings eye and throat.

300 ppm
Loses sense of reasoning and balance. Respiratory paralysis in 30 to 45 minutes

500 ppm
Asphyxia! Needs prompt artificial resuscitation. Will become unconscious in 3 to 5 minutes. Immediate artificial resuscitation is required.

 700 ppm
Breathing will stop and death will result if not rescued promptly, immediate unconsciousness. Permanent brain damage may result unless rescued promptly.

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